The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka hereby give notice on the revised electricity tariffs charged by Ceylon Electricity Board and Lanka Electricity Company, in terms of Section 30 (2)(c) of Sri Lanka Electricity Act No. 20 of 2009. These tariffs will be effective from 10th August 2022.
End User Tariffs for Low Voltage Retail Supply
The following rates shall apply to supplies at each individual point of supply delivered and metered at 400/230 Volt nominal and where the contract demand is less than or equal to 42 kVA.
End User Tariffs for Low Voltage Bulk Supply
The following rates shall apply to supplies at each individual point of supply delivered and metered at 400/230 Volt nominal and where the contract demand exceeds 42 kVA. These Charges are applicable for all categories; Industry (I-2), Hotel (H-2), Government (GV-2) and General Purpose (GP-2).
End User Tariffs for Medium Voltage Bulk Supply
The following rates shall apply to supplies at each individual point of supply delivered and metered at 11,000 Volt nominal and above. These Charges are applicable for all categories; Industry (I-3), Hotel (H-3), Government (GV-3) and General Purpose (GP-3).
Other Decisions
Decision on Electricity Document [Download]
Letter to CEB_tariff revision 2022
Janaka Ratnayake