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Power generation, Thermal Power gives rise to a range of social and environmental issues due to air pollution, water pollution, releasing toxic materials and GHG emissions during their operational life. These environmental issues lead to adverse community, social and ecological related costs referred to as externalities and must be accurately quantified to assess the real economic cost of thermal power generation in Sri Lanka.
In view of the above, the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka PUCSL commenced a study on “Estimation of External Cost of Thermal Power Generation in Sri Lanka” as a step forward to find the relevant figures applicable for Sri Lanka. PUCSL intends to give due consideration to the comments/inputs provided by the stakeholders on the methodology and the externality cost figures associated with fossil fuel-based power generation in Sri Lanka derived through the said study. The Consultation will be held in terms of under the Section 17 (b) of PUCSL Act No 35 of 2002 and the Section 3 (k) Sri Lanka Electricity Act No 20 of 2009 (as amended). Accordingly, PUCSL invites the stakeholders to submit their views/ comments /proposals in writing on the findings of the study on “Estimation of External Cost of Thermal Power Generation in Sri Lanka”.
After completion of the written submission phase of the consultation, the final phase of the consultation will be held to accommodate oral submissions by the respective stakeholders. Date and other details of the oral phase of the consultation will be communicated with the completion of the written submission phase. The draft final report of the study is published on PUCSL’s website for your reference www.pucsl.gov.lk
The written comments need to be forwarded to the Commission on or before July 3, 2020.
Write to:
Public Consultation on “Estimation of Externality Cost of Thermal Power Generation in Sri Lanka”.
Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka,
Level 06, BoC Merchant Tower, 28,
St. Michael’s Road,
Colombo 3.
Respond online by accessing PUCSL Website www.pucsl.gov.lk
Email to: consultation@pucsl.gov.lk
Fax: (011) 2392641
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pucsl
or further information, please contact, Telephone: (011) 2392608/7, 0718622800 – Ms. Anushika Kamburugamuwa, Assistant Director – Corporate Communication
Date: 12.06.2020