Public Consultation on Annual Activity Plan – 2021
Public Consultation on Annual Activity Plan – 2021

Draft Activity Plan 2021.docx

Financial Statement for Activities

The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), was established by The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act No.35 of 2002 by the Parliament of Sri Lanka as a multi-sector regulator to regulate electricity, water services and petroleum industries. PUCSL also acts as the shadow regulator of the lubricant market and empowered to regulate the electrical vehicle charging stations (EVES) in Sri Lanka. The objectives, functions and the legal framework of the PUCSL have been defined under the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act No 35 of 2002 and the Sri Lankan Electricity Act No.20 of 2009 (amended).

PUCSL annually sets out activities in order to achieve its objectives. The Activities for the year 2021 include the activities for the electricity industry under 4 outcomes and preliminary activities for the water services industry and petroleum industry. PUCSL wishes to reshape the proposed activities with the input from the stakeholders. Accordingly, the general public and other stakeholders are requested to submit their comments and proposals on the draft activities 2021 published in

All stakeholders are invited to send their written submissions in this regard to the Commission on or before 19th November 2020.

Ways to respond

Respond online by accessing the web.

Email to:

by accessing official Facebook Account:

or write to

Public Consultation on Annual Activity Plan 2021,

Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka,

Level 06, BOC Merchant Tower, No. 28, St. Michael’s Road, Colombo 03.

Telephone: (011)2392607/8 Fax: (011)2392641


Date: 29th October 2020