Member -Consumer Consultative Committee
(Sabaragamuwa, Central & North Western Provinces)
The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (the Commission) is the economic, technical and safety regulator of the electricity industry in Sri Lanka. As the electricity regulator, protection of the interests of consumers is one of prime objectives of the Commission. The Commission has established a Consumer Consultative Committee (the CCC) to advice the Commission on protection of consumer interests.
The provincial member positions of Sabaragamuwa, Central & North Western Provinces of the CCC will become vacant and the applications are called from permanent residents in the Sabaragamuwa, Central & North Western Provinces, who are keen in consumer protection and are willing to be members of CCC.
The applicants should possess the following attributes:
Every application shall be accompanied with:
The position to be marked on the top left corner of the envelop or as the subject line of the email.
Please submit your CV before 21/08/2020 to:
The Chairman
Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka
Level 06, Bank of Ceylon Merchant Tower,
No. 28, St. Michael’s Road, Colombo 03.
Telephone: (011) 2392607/8, Fax: (011) 2392641
Email:careers@pucsl.gov.lk Website: www.pucsl.gov.lk
Date: 2020.08.07