Electricity tariff is not the only charge that is to be charged from the consumers. There are other instances where the consumer is in need of services from the Transmission Licensee and Distribution Licensees. Basically, these services include
New electricity supply connection.
Services in relation to an electricity supply already provided. (Energy meter testing, Installation testing, Pole shifting, etc)
Any other services which the Licensees are required to provide at the request of a customer.
To supply these kinds of services the licensee has to bear a certain cost and therefore the consumer should be charged in a fair manner. These charges are known as Allowed Charges and to determine them, an approved Methodology has been implemented.
Objective of having an approved set of allowed charges is to reduce disputes between the consumer and the Licensee. The Commission, as an independent third party, approves the Allowed charges to ensure that the consumers are charged in an impartial manner, inducing more transparency.