It is important that anyone who generates, transmits, distributes or supplies electricity, does so with equipment that meets the required health and safety standards. As such, section 6 of the SLEA gives the PUCSL the power and authority to appoint Electrical Inspectors for this purpose.
Under the SLEA, regulations may be made in respect of various matters concerning Electrical Inspectors.
The regulations cover matters such as:
- When and how Inspectors will undertake their work
- The ability of Inspectors to obtain information and records from licensees and exempted persons who generate, transmit, distribute or supply electricity; and the powers of Inspectors to obtain access to premises and to use electrical plant and other facilities in the performance of their duties;
- The fees which are payable to the Inspectors and who is entitled to pay those fees. At present, where Inspectors are used as part of the dispute resolution process, then their costs are recovered similar to our other costs. Where a person requests that they inspect an item of plant or equipment for compliance then the costs are borne by the person making the request. In other cases, the costs of inspectors are recovered through our general budget
- The procedure for the audit of the activities of Electrical Inspectors in order to test for competence and the proper performance of their duties
- The procedure for the resolution of disputes between an Electrical Inspector and a consumer or a licensee. In general, this will involve an internal review by another inspector followed by, a binding decision by a suitably qualified external contractor acceptable to both parties. In these cases, the costs of this contractor will be borne by the party which the arbitrator files against.