Learn about how we work with our different stakeholders, and view a full list of all of our forums, seminars and working groups …

Learn about how we work with our different stakeholders, and view a full list of all of our forums, seminars and working groups …
We work independently but under the policies of the Government of Sri Lanka and work electricity licensees, the energy industry and the other stakeholders within the legal framework determined by the Acts.
One of our main stakeholders and we engage with consumer through consumer organisations, forums such as our Consumer Rights Forum, the energy industry, environmental groups, and allow them to walk in to us in the office hours for information
We engage with Licensees to provide a better quality service to the country and to improve efficiency levels to maximize performance
We make recommendation to policy makers about the electricity industry in Sri Lanka and how to improve it to the next level and work hand in hand with the authorities for a quality electricity service in Sri Lanka.