Religious and Charitable

Electricity Connection obtained for domestic usage are belong to the “Domestic Category”

Religious and Charitable


Customer Category R-1

The tariff will be charged on Incremental Block Tariff basis

This rate shall apply to supplies of electricity to,

  1. places of public religious worship including private residences of priests where such residences are associated with or are within the place of public religious worship,
  2. Homes for aged, orphanages and homes for the handicapped, which are specifically certified by the Director of Social Services as charitable institutions, and the installation should not include any building used for commercial purposes.
Consumption per month(kWh) Energy Charge (LKR/kWh) Fixed Charge(LKR/month)
0-30 1.90 30
31-90 2.80 60
91-120 6.75 180
121-180 7.50 180
>180 9.40 240